Archive for June, 2012

Kate Upton might possibly be the most unfair thing to happen to Women since we took away their god given right

to stay at home to cook, clean, and raise our children..but thats another conversation entirely.  The point is, if you

are a straight male, and don’t find everything about this woman to be incredibly sexy.. then there is something

terribly wrong with you.

Here are some of the photos you can find just about anywhere, or found in a magazine that for some

reason people will purchase(not me).

Enjoy 🙂

Source – GQ

Went and saw Ridley Scott’s Prometheus over the weekend, and for anyone who hasn’t spent the 8 bucks(or whatever a movie ticket costs in your area) it is well worth the coin. Intense, thrilling and horrifying all while leaving you in awe of a very thick and compelling tale.. it was definitely something to behold.  That being said,  the two douche buckets that sat DIRECTLY behind me and had a fucking seizure during the first 15 minutes of the movie can kiss my ass. Seriously folks, when you go to a movie, SHUT THE FUCK UP! Get to the theater with enough time to settle in, shut off your phones, finish talking about whatever was interesting in your lives before you sat next to me, open your skittles and shut your damn mouth when the lights go dark. Not that tough.  I hope you went home and choked on your candy or when you die from being grossly obese, they find out it was cuz you extra buttered your popcorn 1 too many times.

Anyways, go see it.

Here’s the trailer if your still not convinced.